Local Rules & Course Safety
Local Rules (as on scorecard)
1. Out of Bounds (Rules 18.2)
a) The Driving Range is out of bounds
b) The patio and surrounds of the clubhouse including the flower beds. (The path behind the clubhouse is in bounds)
c) The car park, including the overflow car park
d) On or beyond the drive way when playing the 8th and 15th holes (the short game area is also out of bounds)
e) To the right of the white posts along the course boundary whilst playing the 7th and 8th holes
f) To the left of the 8th hole as defined by white stakes
2. Immovable Obstructions (Rule 16)
a) Areas within the course marked GUR by a continuous white line
b) Newly laid turf
c) Staked Trees - Interfering with a players stance or area of intended swing
d) Decorative stone or bark chippings around a tree
e) Man made paths or tractor paths
f) All wooden posting rails
g) Communication cabinets and mobile phone mast on 12th hole
3. Sprinkler Heads (Rule 16.1b)
Relief can be taken under no penalty if, your ball lies on or your swing/stance is affected by a sprinkler head.
Nearest point of relief within one club length no nearer the hole.
If the immovable obstruction is within 2 club lengths of the putting green and on the line of play, the player may take relief under no penalty if, the ball is on grass that is cut to fairway height or lower and the ball is within 2 club lengths of the immovable obstruction.
4. Overhead Power Lines (E 11)
a) Any ball striking the overhead power cables must be replayed without penalty
5. Penalty Areas (Rule 17.1d)
a) The penalty areas on the 8th, 10th, 15th and 18th are all marked as Red Penalty Areas
b) The player has 3 options; 1) Stroke and distance relief, 2) Back on the line relief, 3) Later relief from the point where the ball last crossed the line defining the penalty area.
Procedure In Case of Thunder & Lightning
Please click the following links to view our health and safety documents.